
About me

I'm a self-professed tech-head residing in the north of England. While I am a fan of most anything technical I am happiest when elbow deep in code. Having picked up coding as a hobby at a young age I have taught myself the ins and outs of several languages notably:
  • Java
  • Lua
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • Haskell
  • PHP
  • Rust
I also have a good working knowledge of several frameworks, including:
  • OpenGL (Primarily legacy)
  • CakePHP
  • Angular JS
  • JQuery
  • Ruby on Rails
And I am aquainted with tools such as:
  • Vim
  • Maven


Further Education

2015-2019Computer science MComp, University of Sheffield, 2:1

A Level

2013-2015A2 Maths, Queen Elizabeth Highschool, Hexham, A